hi https://www.gofundme.com/f/korla-and-lexies-housing-crisis - GoFundMe to help Korla and Lexie not be homeless
It's the end of an era, folks! We see the fall of this arc's villain and get a surprising amount of time just hanging with the characters, seeing how parents and children interact when the kids can stop an apocalypse. Also Justin from Library Punk is here!
Intro & Outro music: Dating Start! by Toby Fox
Twitter: @rftbAudrey & @Korla_Neumono
Check out Radio Free Tote Bag, Audrey's relationship advice podcast! And peep Post Ponies, a MLP: Friendship is Magic retrospective podcast with Korla
Heeeeeeeya folks, we're real excited to bring you this episode! Not only is the Digimon some juicy content this time around, with new digivolutions...
Cake and ice cream is on its way, folks. Welcome to a fantastic episode of Data Transfer, wherein we discuss all sorts of bullshit...
We're so close to the finale, shit's really poppin' off yo! You gotta get down deep with these two trans girlies while they talk...