Through the wire, you're the one! It's Data Transfer back from another short hiatus and this time, we've got poop monsters! Again! God I hope this show stops doing that at some point. But the podcast is a ton of fun, you should listen!
Intro & Outro music: Dating Start! by Toby Fox
Check out Radio Free Tote Bag, Audrey's relationship advice podcast! And peep Post Ponies, an MLP: Friendship is Magic retrospective podcast with Korla
Hello and welcome to yet another fine episode of Data Transfer! This week, our hosts are joined by the lovely Leslie from Fangs for... - GoFundMe to help Korla and Lexie not be homeless ----- Sorry for the wait everyone, but trust me when I say it's...
Apologies for the late delivery, folks, but we're still delighted to bring you another delightful episode! With Wikipedia articles in it! I'm sure no...