Howdy!! Sorry we posted out of order, we're dumb bimbos!
Anyway, Kari is on some Jesus shit and we have the sliding apart thing when someone gets all cut up. Shit rocks.
Listen to Audrey's other show, the hit relationship advice program Radio Free Tote Bag at and Korla's other excellent podcast Post Ponies, a My Little Pony retrospective that also dives into the rise of American fascism at!
This week, DT brings on Tony Boswell from Minion Death Cult to look at Digimon pornography and discuss labor! He joins our usual hosts...
We're so close to the finale, shit's really poppin' off yo! You gotta get down deep with these two trans girlies while they talk...
Hoo boy, this one is a doozy. Technical difficulties, the hosts being weirder than usual, and a frankly bonkers episode of Digimon to accompany...