Back again, it's the Data Transfer folks! Bravely pushing past tiring work days and executive dysfunction, these immaculately funny and beautiful trans gals have brought you yet another late, yet belated episode of Digimon. This time, even the mooks are at ultimate level and the kids only just realized that Digimon can get stronger even in the same form. Also there's CLAMS! Check it the heck out, dorks!
Intro & Outro music: Dating Start! by Toby Fox
Twitter: @RFTBAudrey
Check out Radio Free Tote Bag, Audrey's relationship advice podcast! And peep Post Ponies, an MLP: Friendship is Magic retrospective podcast with Korla
Do Digimon dream of electric sheepmon? This episode gets absolutely bizarre, and not just for the Digimon; our hosts are out of it, but...
We're back to the original two-woman experience and folks, it's a bit looser than usual. Both our hosts are having a hectic time of...
Welcome back to Data Transfer, folks! Things get off the rails pretty quick, but your hosts pull it back together to talk about Digimon...